Yenikapı Mevlevi Lodge
Project Details
Yenikapı Mevlevi Lodge was commissioned in 1598 by Malkoç Mehmet Efendi, the chief caliph of the Janissary Corps, to include 18 dervish cells. The fact that it trained famous names, including İsmail Dede Efendi, Şeyh Galip, and Itri gives Yenikapı Mevlevi Lodge great importance in terms of cultural history. It was an institution that supported Ottoman modernization during the Tanzimat period. Had suffered multiple fires, Yenikapı Mevlevi Lodge was repaired by Architect Kemaleddin in 1910 by the order of Sultan Reşat after a fire in 1903. In this repair, the lodge was built in neoclassical style and a minaret was added. The building group, which was used for different purposes after the closure of dervish lodges and zawiyahs, was used as a warehouse belonging to foundations until the 1997 fire.
It is one of the best examples of the group called 'Asitane' in lodge architecture. The building group consists of three separate sections on an area of 7000 m2. Except for the library, tomb, timing room, and fountain, which are masonry buildings, the other sections were built on different dates, with different materials and styles The ritual hall-shrine and the harem apartment are wooden frame buildings built on rubble stone foundations.
Within the scope of the Restoration works, expropriation and road arrangements were made around the Mevlevi Lodge. The conservation and improvement of the existing poor condition of men's room, library and timing room were carried out. The reconstruction of the burnt and foundations of the ritual hall, shrine, syrup-making room, harem mansion, and fountain was carried out in accordance with the original techniques and materials. Cleaning of the burial area and the garden walls within the lot was carried out and the deficiencies were completed. In 2009, the Restoration of the building group was completed, and currently, it serves as Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University Alliance of Civilizations Institute.
Project Description
Completed Project