Project Details

Davutpaşa Medresesi, 1485’te Sultan II. Bayezid’in vezirlerinden Koca (Derviş) Davut Paşa tarafından yaptırılan Davutpaşa Külliyesi içerisinde yer almaktadır. 1648 Depremi’nde, medresenin dershanesi ve iki hücresinin, yeniden yapılması gerekecek kadar büyük hasar gördüğü bilinmektedir. Ancak, yapının kayıtlı ilk onarımı, 1718 Unkapanı Yangını ve 1766 Depremi’nde gördüğü hasarın ardından, 1766-1767 yıllarında Hassa Başmimarı Tahir nezaretinde yapılmıştır. 19.yy ortalarından itibaren çeşitli onarımlar geçiren medrese günümüze kadar ulaşmıştır.

Davutpaşa Madrasa is located within the Davutpaşa Complex built in 1485 by Koca (Derviş) Davut Pasha, one of the viziers of Sultan Bayezid II. In the 1648 earthquake, it is known that the madrasa's classroom and two cells were so badly damaged that they had to be rebuilt. In addition to the classroom, the madrasa has 16 other rooms. The standing columns and capitals of the building are marble. While some of the column heads are Byzantine pieces, some others belong to the Ottoman period.

The Restoration works at Davutpaşa Madrasa started with the removal of the reinforced concrete structures around it. Improvement and repair works were carried out on the stone walls exposed after the removal and scraping works. Walls with structural cracks and domes repaired with cement-based mortar were repaired with original materials and construction techniques by partial dismantling. After the improvement and repair works were completed, mortar works, roofing, and flooring works were carried out. After the Restoration of the building was completed, landscaping was done, and the building was functionalized as a cultural center.

Project Description

Completed Project



